Mother’s Day: Lessons I’ve Learned

Dear Moms, 

We made it. Another year - a crazy year - but still, we’re Moms. We had to do a whole lot with a whole little this year. And as we all know, we all had our fair share of tough moments, exhausting moments and how is this actually happening moments. But when I look back, there were also so many good moments, special moments, I’m so lucky to be a mom moments, that I'm choosing to focus on as I get ready to celebrate Mother’s Day. 

With brighter days on the horizon, I wanted to gather my thoughts on just a few things that I believe every mom can take from this past year in the hopes that it makes you feel like an even better and more confident mom in the future.

Go with the flow

Much easier than it sounds, but wow did this last year teach me that I can’t control it all. So often (as new moms especially) we read all the books, articles, blogs and resources we can to prepare us for what’s to come, but alas, things don’t always go as planned. This is your friendly reminder that sometimes, the best times are when you can just let go, and go with it. 

Give yourself grace

Speaking of going with the flow, this gig is hard, and while worth it - some days are next level hard. On those days, it’s important to give yourself both the space and grace to make mistakes. Tomorrow is a new day to try and get it right.

Find your tribe 

I can’t stress the importance of mom friends enough. Find them, connect with them, reach out to them and lean on them. They get you, they're in it with you and they’re here to help you just as much as you can help them. I’m so proud of the relationships that we’ve been able to build over the years with The Chicago New Moms Group - so many forever friendships made in this very early stage of motherhood that will last a lifetime. Find your people.

I’d love to leave you with the sweetest thoughts I came across the other day from writer Emma Heaphy:

You are never guaranteed much in early motherhood.

Not sleep,

A hot coffee,

A finished meal,

A break,

An easier day, 

Or consistency of any sort most of the time. 

But what you are guaranteed is love.

So much love.

Every single day.

No matter what.

And what a beautiful thing to be able to rely on. 

Happy Mother’s Day Moms, you’re doing a great job. 


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